Here are some blogs worth checking out for anyone who cares about education, children, technology, and the advancement of global society.
Cool Cat Teacher Blog - Vicki Davis is a teacher, entrepreneur, conference presenter, writer, and a leader in the online education world.
Kathy Schrock's Kaffeeklatsch - Kathy is a Tech Administrator and active blogger. Along with the Kaffeeklatsch, she participates in several other education-related blogs and podcasts.
The Power of Educational Technology - Liz Davis is a Tech Director and blogger. She has a lot to say about the big conferences and education in general. - Scott Meech is a Tech Facilitator and popular Twitter user. He offers great insight into emerging educational technology.
The Learning Edge is a colaborative blog by a number of doctoral students. They discuss professional development and education, among other topics.
Narrowing Endless Career Choices with VR
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